Saturday, 12 October 2013

The Costa Self Esteem

Disclaimer: all posts on blokecalleddave at blogspot are edited copies of those at - occasionally, these differ - but not often. Visit the other page for  more content.

So, I’m at a fairly well known coffee shop and I’m ordering a medium mocha and a blueberry muffin. The fiercely attractive Barista serving me keeps smiling in a very friendly/borderline flirty sort of way. I find this hugely flattering, as I’m effectively a 35 year old man of average build and looks with ginger hair going to grey and - by choice - a bit beardy. I’m also married with two children, so any attention reminds me that ‘brother, I still got it’. To make things even more interesting, she then leans across and says ‘I know you ordered a medium one, but I made you a large. You have a great day, and keep that smile going.’ The wonders this does for my confidence cannot easily be described. I feel elated, powerful, hunky, sexy and seriously cool…..all in one huge burst…..all until I see her glance at my tray, on which I’ve put my recently purchased book ‘Struggling with Low Self Esteem.’ I look back at her, and there it is: pity.
I was gutted…
…and completely deflated….
…but the muffin was seriously amazing. So I’ve got that going for me.

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